Saturday, January 28, 2012

(All of our kids, Christmas 2011)

Scroll down to see before pics, when we first got these little guys. The boys had long hair and an earring in one ear. We since then cut their hair and took out their earring. They are all healthy and well adjusted. Were a happy and diverse family.

(The children were adopting)
Hello Everyone. My given name is Lisa Marie, in which my parents were a huge Elvis fan and I was named after his daughter. There were a lot of Lisa Marie's in the 70's. My first language is English. My mom is of Mexican decent and I do speak some Spanish, and my dad is Swiss which I learned little German. English was our main form of language growing up. I was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where both my parents met  back in high school. When my dad enlisted in the Marines, we were stationed in Southern California where I mainly grew up, along with my 3 younger siblings, 2 brothers and a sister. After an honorable discharge from the Marines, he found a job at a Power plant near San Diego, but got a job transfer when I turned 11. We then moved up to Lake County away from the city life. We stayed there until I graduated from high school. After graduation I met my future husband at my job and we moved back to his home town of Sacramento, in which we have been living here ever since, raising our three children. 

My race and ethnicity is Mexican/Hispanic and Swiss. Growing up we focused on both cultures. I was baptized and raised Catholic from my mother's side. They believed in large families. She was raised with eleven brothers and sisters. Around the holidays we incorporated my dad's heritage of Swiss. The Swiss side of the family seem more formal, especially around preparing meals. It was always a huge event. Merging both sides of cultures, I grew up experiencing a rich diverse culture of ethics and traditions. 

It's important to me that people have an open mind of Diverse ethnics and not be so native when meeting different people. I believe that we should respect and learn from our differences, as we all are different in our morals and beliefs coming from our own cultures. Racism is real and you would think after several years we would accept each other, but sadly this isn't the case. I believe teachers educating parents and children that may be arrogant or native would help better understand and may change the way people think about diversity. We are so quick to stereotype others. It comes down to people to have a willingness of an open mind and wanting to change.

I'm a person with a huge heart. I have a lot of patience and love raising children. I feel that I take after my mom and grandma's. They were a big influence in my life. They were all homemakers and taught me the importance of caring for others as well as myself. Even though I'm of Mexican/Swiss decent, I've mainly been raised the American way. I think both my parents adopted the freedom of what America offers. I remember growing up, hearing them talk about how hard it was living in their countries before migrating to America and how they don't take things for granted living in America. I feel grateful that I grew up experiencing a difference in cultures when visiting my mom's side of the family and my dad's. It was so different but both very welcoming. I loved going to different festivals as a child. I remember dressing up in costumes for the event and learning the different dances and tasting the different ethnic foods. It was an exciting experience to be exposed to my different heritages. My grandparents that were Swiss, always told me stories of how they survived the war and what they had to do to survive, and how they finally came to America. It really makes me feel fortunate of the era and place I live in now. I couldn't imagine going through some of the things they had to do to survive. It really hits me hard when I watch movies that relate to World War II.

My husband and I of 21 years have three biological children. Two sons that are 19 and 13 and a daughter whose 17. My oldest son just started Sierra College, which I'm so proud of him. He wants to go back to Japan as he was an exchange student in senior year of high school. He would like to teach English to Japanese high school students. He loves the Japanese culture and tells me he feels like he's one of them when visiting. He's 6'2" which obliviously makes him stand out, but wasn't treated any different, just marveled over. He loved the attention he got from the Japanese girls who gave him gifts. He hopes to live there one day. My daughter is in her senior year of high school and plans to enroll in college to get a degree in Cosmetology and wants to move to southern California to pursue her acting/modeling career. Our youngest is in Jr. High and loves to skateboard, play video games and football. 

We were very young, early 20's when we had our children and the past years I've mostly been a stay at home mom caring for young children by doing Daycare and more recently Foster care. We had about 20 kids come through our home the past three years. We did respite for a sibling set of 4 boys that were seperated and were coming up for adoption. Our family immediately bonded with them and requested the agency if we could take all 4 boys in hopes we'll adopt them. During that time, we had an 8 month old little girl, now 2 years old, that we knew we wanted to adopt before getting the boys. Four months later, we got all the boys and had them and the little girl for about a year and half. The boys are now 21 months, 3, 4 and 6 years old. Were now coming close the next couple months of final adoption. People think were crazy starting all over again, but it feels right. Our kids adore them and are a huge help. My job currently with the agency, besides providing a safe and caring environment for the children, is taking them to their Drs., Dentists and therapy appointments and in the past, visitations with their bio parents until parental right were terminated last summer. I also do monthly paperwork for each of the children. It's a lot of work caring for the kids and having 3 out of 5 days of the week with Social Workers, Adoptions workers and therapist coming to our home. I also keep my home in CCL compliance. Once adopted it all goes away, except for the therapy. I'm looking forward to having my house to myself again and no more paperwork! Were in the process of looking for a bigger home to purchase. We like to move after school is out or close to it, not to interrupt their routine as transition is really hard for these little guys. We are now a family of 10 and have the big family we always wanted. Routines, Communication and working as a team is what makes our family work. 

I feel that learning more about cultures and diversity will help me better understand others that are different from me. I think it's important to educate yourself so you don't offend and can communicate better with others of different cultures. The children were adopting are of Irish decent and we would like to incorporate their heritage with ours, but I don't have any knowledge of their culture. I'm also getting my degree in Liberal Arts/education. When the kids are a little older, I plan to with my degree apply for a teacher's position as a Special Education teacher. I also feel learning more and understanding about diversity and cultures will help me be a better teacher for the students and parents. I feel communication is key and with a little more understanding, I'll be better able to communicate with others.  

When my time isn't consumed with caring for children, I enjoy spending time outdoors soaking up the sun reading a book, taking college courses, bowling, watching movies, finding a variety of plants and candles to decorate my home, scrapbooking, occasionally coffee or lunch dates with girlfriends and pizza nights with my family. I also enjoy "happy hour" with my husband every Friday night at our favorite restaurant, talking about our week. I love listening to 80's music and whatever is current on my radio in the car while running errands. Every month, my husband and I drop the kids off at another foster home for the weekend, also a good friend of ours. Our teens go out with their friends or we spend time with them. Mostly my husband and I have the whole weekend without any kids and sometimes get a hotel in or out of town to spend some quality time together. It's the highlight of my month and I always look forward to it. It also helps me to recharge myself when sometimes it gets overwhelming with all the kids. This about sums up of who I am. I look forward to getting to know you and make some new friends. Maybe we can get coffee? :) 

(Before pics of kids) Scroll up to see current pics.

 Brothers when we first got them at
18 months, 4 1/2 yrs & 2 1/2 yrs. old

First day we got him at 6 months old
First day we got her at 8 months old

Our 3 children
My hubby and I


  1. Hi Lisa Marie-
    I met you last semester in Carol's Class. What a wonderful life experience you've had. I'm so happy that you were able to take in all four children and adopt!!! Congratulations!!!
    I look forward to getting to know you more and work with you!!


    1. Hi Esther,
      I was trying to remember where you sat by me. Were you in the row in front of me? We had a pretty good size class. It's good to be in the same class again. So far, I'm really enjoying it. It's a little more challenging than in class, trying to make sure I set time aside to get on my computer. How are you doing so far? The kids are definitely keeping me busy. Were also looking for a bigger home to move into the next couple months. Were so excited to add "5" little ones to our family. I look forward to getting to know you more and work with you too! :D

  2. Awe. All the kids are adorable. I can imagine you’re a busy momma with her hands full. It’s great you and your hubby can adopt and give these children a good home.

    1. Thank you Rachel. I am one busy momma! lol Were so close to adopting them, maybe March or April. We feel were the lucky ones to have them in our lives. They are so happy and getting better with their behaviors and social skills. We have intensive therapy for the boys, undoing the bad habits learned from their previous environment. Pretty heart breaking, but now they can move on and LOVE being spoiled! lol
      Thanks for commenting. :D

  3. Hello Amazing mom of 8 :} I think that's what I would like calling you. I loved reading about your life and your family. I simply think it's great you are adopting children, and as hard it might be to actually adopt them, you guys are doing it, you are providing for those children and you are giving them a better opportunity in life, which is simply fabilous. I am greatfull there are people like you and I hope you have an amazing future with all of your family. Big family is a happy family right? I look forward of hearing more about your life.

    1. Thank you Radostina. I wish there were more people like us that have the love and patience to care for these troubled kids. They never asked for what happened to them and they need all the love and healing they can get. It's sad there's not many people that would have the patience. I always say, if you adore children and open your hearts and home, they are in a much better place than where they came from. That itself is a huge in starting the healing. Thank you for the compliment. :)

  4. Wow! You guys are amazing. And that is all I have to say.

    1. Thank you! We feel lucky they are in our lives. :)
